Monday, 12 March 2012

Beyond the meta-

This time last year, one of the projects I was working on (alongside the insanely talented Lou Armer and the astonishing Jim Moon) was a musical web-comic.  The working title for it was Evil Terry's Cookery School For Bad Guys.  Although it was essentially a web-comic with some nice tunes, we were looking to use social networking and new media as part of the narrative process, make it more interactive than a website you visit once a week.

So back matter got developed, scripts got written, sketches got drawn, music got composed, various characters got blog* sites or signed up to various networks.  It was all coming together quite nicely when real life did what real life does: be real and live.  The project drifted into development hell, other things came up, people got busy and Terry made his way towards the might have been shelf.

In all honesty, I hadn't thought about him for quite some time until this morning when I opened the twitters and saw this

Now I know this is the kind of thing that clever post-modernist writers use to explore the blah blah blah, but although I did set up a twitter account for Terry, I don't think I ever told anyone it was there.  So that was a surreal moment to go with the morning coffee.

So what am I going to do now?  I'm going to follow the bastard and see what he has to say.

(*Just as an aside, I find it amusing that blogger is telling me the word 'blog' is a spelling mistake.)

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