I certainly don't do mother's day. In the past I've always felt that if you need to be told by a greetings card company that you should tell your mother what she means to you then there's something seriously wrong with you. Yes, I know that Mothering Sunday is traditionally a Christian festival dating back to the Roman Empire, but that's not what it is now, is it? These days it's just another way to part fools from their money and I'm more than capable of parting with my money on my own, thank you very much. So, as I say, I don't usually do mother's day.
But this year I did. With everything that's going on with Gran, especially after Friday (we both thought she wouldn't be waking up on Saturday), I want her to know how much she means to me. I want to write it across the sky in thousand foot neon letters for the whole world to see. Given our history, everything that's gone on between us, I want her to be in no doubt how I feel about her.
Of course I cant do thousand foot letters in the sky, so I settled for a daft little present and cooking Sunday lunch for the three of us. But it turns out daft little presents and roasted meats doesn't quite do enough (for me) to be sure she knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt. So I'm doing a bit of bloggery to make a public statement.
I love you Mum. Happy Mother's Day.
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